Hand locator & heat shrink
This is the hand locator we offer with each of our Braca paddles, complete with heatshrink section for left and right side of the paddle to complete the install. Locators are added to paddle shafts to index them so you can tell what angle the paddle is relative to your hands without looking at the blade or feeling it in the water.
For aluminium clamp paddles simply hold the locator in place with a few drops of superglue, slide the longer heat shrink section over the clamp and gently apply heat to secure in place. The shorter section of heatshrink can then be used for the other side of your paddle.
For nylon clamp paddles, hold the locator in place with a few drops of superglue, then undo the securing bolt for the clamp lever, gently compress the clamp with a pliers to remove the lever. Use the cable tie provided to maintain the clamp in a compressed position to allow the longer section of heat shrink to slide over it. Complete the steps above as for the alumium clamp paddle.