Braca IV Carbon 60 Teardrop Wing
The Brača IV Carbon 60 paddle is designed for paddlers who want a softer blade and shaft. The Brača IV 60 is a 60% carbon version of the world’s most popular ICF sprint design, Brača IV teardrop. With slightly more flex these paddles are designed for the requirements of paddlers looking to ease the stress on joints. A great option for older sea kayakers or those with prior injuries as well as those paddling in surf enviroments. At a reduced price from the standard IV, the Carbon 60 is a great combination of Brača design and durability.
All Brača IV Carbon 60 paddles are available with a 10cm adjustable shaft system. This allows simple adjustment of overall paddle length (within 10cm range) and blade angle from 0° to 80° right or left. The system also allows you to disassemble the paddle into two parts for easy transportation.